Tuesday 20 November 2007

Funding Approved!!

Matty got the funding approved for AEIOU!!!! The funding covers half the amount ($7000), Centrelink picks up another huge chunk with the childcare rebate, and then with however much is left over AEIOU is going to work out fortnightly payments for us, instead of having to pay for it all upfront. Finally a break at last!!!

So happy!!! Now we know that he'll be right for all of next year. What a relief!

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Well, Matty never ended up being on TV! :( What a bugger! Ah well. He's starting going there officially this week, from 9 - 12 every day. The poor kids - the four of them have never been away from their parents before, except to stay with their grandparents, so they are all feeling separation anxiety really badly! I keep trying to make it sound fun, and say things like "So you're off to school today to play with "x"". Matty shakes his head and says "No!". Its so heartbreaking dropping him off and hearing him screaming "Mummy!" as I'm walking out the door. But as hubby said, its either do it now or when he's five and about to start school!

And at least he's saying Mummy now! lol

His teachers said he had a lot of fun outside today though, playing with water etc. My parents came over this afternoon and played with him some more. The poor thing was stuffed and fell asleep on the loungeroom floor at 7:15pm!

Thursday 8 November 2007

Matty on TV tomorrow night!

Well, Matty had his first chance to be in the paper today, and he blew it! The Chronicle came round to AEIOU to take photos of all the kids, and Matty was not having a good day and wouldn't stop screaming. All he wanted to do was go outside, but they couldn't let him out because the builders were still out there and the fences were down, therefore too dangerous. But, he may be on TV tomorrow night! Win TV came round after the newspaper guys had left, and luckily it was just as the builders had finished and the kids were going out to play. He got heaps of footage of Matty on the fort and playing with Dianne (his teacher) so cross fingers that will get on the news tomorrow night. The official opening is tomorrow, so the TV guy said that they were going to edit the footage from today with the stuff that will be taken tomorrow. Here's hoping it all goes well! Tomorrow is going to be a huge day for the kids. The AEIOU team from head office are coming up, and I think that there are going to be politicians, possibly the mayor etc in attendance. Should be good!

Sunday 4 November 2007

Pissed Off !!!

Oh man, what a day Friday turned out to be! We went to have a look at AEIOU, Matty's new daycare centre. While I was talking to the teacher, I said, "So, the funding is good to go, isn't it?". She said "I'm not sure, give head office a ring and check with accounts". So I did and they had no idea what I was talking about! Apparantly WE have to apply for the funding, after being told that they were organising it. So he's supposed to start in a week and we have no idea whether we will get funding or not. Had we been advised of this we would have organised the funding application a month ago!!! At least he's allowed to attend until whether we find out about the funding or not. *Sigh* Talk about stressed!