Well, It's been AGES since I updated this. Almost a year! In that time Matty has greatly improved. His paediatrician and psych now think that he is Aspergers more so than Autistic. Although that is still on the autism spectrum, it is not really so bad. Hey, Bill Gates has Aspergers! So if Matty can be as successful as him, then that's a good thing! lol Matty is starting prep in two weeks. Two kids from his autism centre will be in his class. It is great that he will know somebody, but I hope he wont become too dependent on his friends and not work to his full potential. I'll have to speak to his teacher about that.
Becca will be three next month! How time flies! The poor thing has to have an operation this year though, to remove her tonsils and adenoids and put grommets in her ears. No wonder she talks so loud! The poor thing probably only has partial hearing. She is going for a hearing test on Thursday to determine how much she is hearing at the moment, and then she will have another hearing test after the operation to see if there is an improvement.
Seeing as Matty will be going to school full time, I'm thinking about getting Becca into dancing or something like that during the week. She loves music and dancing so I think she would really enjoy it. A girlfriend of mine is looking to do something similar for her daughter this year, so hopefully the girls might be able to go together.
As for me, I ended up having to quit my pole dancing. I developed bad RSI in my right hand and could barely carry the groceries, let alone hold myself up on a pole! Unfortunately I've become rather sedentary since then, but am going to try and get back into exercising starting tomorrow, even if it is just taking the dog for a walk!
More soon! Helen xx