Sunday 10 October 2010

My Lettuce is Sprouting!

In an effort to be more SS (Simple Savings - check out their website!) I decided to start growing some veges. As we are renting and have a dog and two kids that all love to dig, the veges had to be planted in pots / boxes. I had a long planter pot filled with potting mix left over from last year's disastrous attempt at cherry tomatos and a packet of lettuce seeds that I got for free off the cover of a That's Life magazine.

So, feeling all very self-sufficient (hey, another SS term!), I got outside with Becca and her plastic sandpit rake and turned over the soil in the pot. Then we sprinkled some lettuce seeds in, covered them with dirt, filled up her little plastic watering can and gave them a good water. We've been going outside every afternoon and watering. Then, yesterday afternoon, when I went to put the rubbish in the bin, there they were! A row of tiny little lettuce leaves sticking up out of the soil! Hurrah! My first so far successful crop! I dragged hubby outside to show him. Oh, I'm so excited!

I still have half a bag of potting mix left, so I think I'll head over to Bunnings next week and get another planter box, and maybe some carrot seeds this time. So proud of my little babies!

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